National Kidney Foundation


Kidney disease affects over 30 million Americans, yet it’s one of the most neglected conditions. The National Kidney Foundation wanted to raise awareness in a way that guaranteed the disease would no longer be ignored, but didn’t drum up fear around a topic that can be emotional and scary—people’s health. After learning that people who have had kidney transplants often get commemorative tattoos, sometimes with their donors, we decided to tap into the trend with a campaign called “Heart Your Kidneys,” reminding the world that in many cases, kidney disease is preventable.


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The Fair Pricing for Dialysis Act sounded like a positive legislation that would improve patient’s lives. In reality, it was a cut to quality of patient support and would have resulted in closure of many dialysis clinics across the state, limiting patient access to care.  So, we decided to call the act what it was to help voters make an informed choice at the polls.

Our efforts prevailed and the act was voted down, but the real winners are the dialysis patients across California who no longer face a disruption to their care.

