No7: Unstoppable Together


The pandemic has disproportionately impacted women and threatens to widen the wage gap by 5%, resulting in the first ever SHEcession. We wanted to leverage No7’s 85-year history of empowering women to create the unstoppable together movement. No7’s launch video, produced by VMLY&R and Berlin Cameron, with over 24M views and over 525M impressions, brings awareness to this #SHEcession with the goal of turning it into a #SHEcovery . The video, produced by a women-only team, has already been shared by various influencers across all media.


To further demonstrate their commitment to turning the SHEcession into a SHEcovery, the brand also hosted the first-ever No7 Unstoppable Together Job Summit in partnership with Fortune, Hello Sunshine, and The Female Quotient on February 24th, which had over 8.600 sign ups. It was followed by 10 small group coaching sessions spread throughout the month of March that ranged from balancing workload at home to reinventing yourself.


 The free virtual Summit, aimed to get women back into the workforce, included sessions like:

•       Creating Consciousness in Balancing the Workload at Home

•       Finding Your Path When the Path is Uncertain

•       Aging In: It's Never too Late to Reinvent

•       What You See is What You Get: Inspiring Beauty from Within

As women continue to work together, we can turn this SheCession into a SheCovery.



Shortlist: 2021 Digiday Greater Good for Gender Equality

Won: 2021 The Drum PR Most Effective Use of Influencer Marketing