Girl Up

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Girl Up wanted to spread its message of women’s empowerment but needed help getting there. So we partnered with it to help publicize its powerful impact through different initiatives.

We started with their STEM efforts. Research showed us that social impact was a huge factor for girls when choosing their career paths, so we partnered with Girl Up to create a program: Social Good. The program demonstrated the social impact girls can create through STEM careers. To raise money for the program, we developed a pitch deck which led to a 25% increase in funds for the organization and financed this initiative.

Next, we rebranded Girl Up with a new strategic positioning, focusing on gender equality, and created a new brand guideline, logo, style guide, mission statement and collateral. Then, freshly rebranded, we helped produce “Time to Rise,” a powerful spot featuring actress Corinne Foxx, TV host Nigel Barker, his daughter and a chorus of Girl Up girls reciting the poem “Invictus,” redefining its iconic depiction of masculinity and giving Girl Up a post-election moment in time to elevate its message.


Girl Up’s new branding

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“Time To Rise” video


Her Gen z World


We also worked with Girl Up and BAV Consulting to globally survey 3,500 Gen Z girls about topics surrounding gender equality, their worldwide impact and more. The world needs to hear Girl Up's message and we’re here to help continue spreading it.

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